

Science is a core subject and the curriculum allows all students to experience ways of exploring and understanding the universe around them. The aim of the Science Faculty is to ensure that students leave ADHS with a good scientific understanding for decision-making and an awareness of the scientific issues facing our society.  The school's science program aligns with the Australian Curriculum and is differentiated to allow all students to be challenged.

A multidisciplinary Science staff with a diverse range of experiences and interests offer hands on science programs incorporating experimental design and problem solving skills. Enrichment of the program occurs by students being involved in activities with many of the scientific institutions based in Canberra including the CSIRO, Mt Stromlo Observatory, Questacon, Geoscience Australia and the ANU.  These links allow students to make connections with real life scientific research and scientists which enhances the relevancy of science taught in the classroom.

The extension program at ADHS focuses on the application of science skills and understanding through projects, which strengthen connections with Maths and Technology.  This makes the learning of science more realistic and accommodates students' individual needs.  This program allows these students to communicate virtually with like-minded students and the School's involvment in the Scientist and Mathematician in Schools Program allows students to connect with mentor scientists to further facilitate theirlearning.   In addition, students are also given the opportunity to expand their horizons with participation in the International Competitions and Assessments for Schools: Science (ICAS Science), The Australian National Chemistry Quiz, Crest Awards and the Australian Science Olympiad Program.